Here in Florida, the weather is finally cooling down; some would even say it’s officially winter! Okay, so it’s currently 80 degrees, but it’ll be 60 by late this evening – that’s almost cold enough to light a fire in the fire pit, cozy up on the outdoor rug and roast some marshmallows without melting yourself. You see, while we don’t get to build snowmen or get to witness gorgeous snow-topped mountains, we do get to enjoy our outdoor space comfortably year round.
And while winter in many other states means slowing down a bit, here, we pick up the pace! While the idea of renovating during the Holiday Season may intimidate some, others know that there is really no GREAT time of the year to rip your house apart and can see no better time to start than, well, now.
One great thing about renovating indoors during the winter holidays is it’s a great excuse not to have anyone over. LOL – I am just kidding. One of the best things is that you can open the windows and avoid running the AC. Demolition stirs up dust particles that your AC will redistribute throughout your home if running during or after the process, no matter how much you’ve got everything taped off. You can avoid this by turning off the AC and fan while you are doing demolition, which is much easier in the Florida Winter than it is in the Florida Summer. Opening up the windows will allow for airflow and ventilation in the area you’re working in without affecting the other spaces of the home.
Another great advantage of Florida’s winter is that it becomes the best time to get any outdoor work completed. Not only is the weather cooler, the rain is less constant and more predictable during this season. While our installation team doesn’t typically mind the heat of the summers, the rain can create issues with job completion. Even too much moisture in the air can affect the setting time of thinset and grout and cause things to move a bit slow.
So let’s talk about some outdoor projects to get into!
1. Stone and Tile: This isn’t something you’ll want to DIY, but stone columns and/or a new tile walkway can make a huge difference in the appearance of your home. Details and texture will always create a more welcoming feel for your home and can also create an easier-to-maintain outdoor space.
2. Paint: Obviously painting your entire home is going to make a major difference in appearance. Even if you repaint it the same color, there is something about a fresh coat of paint that makes everything feel NEW. That said, painting your entire home is a major expense. If you’re looking for something quick and fairly inexpensive try painting your front door, soffits, molding or other small detailed areas that will make a major difference without costing you a major amount of time and money.
3. Outdoor Rugs and Carpet: Outdoor carpet is a thing of the past for the most part, but I remember it most on the back porch of my parents’ house before they upgraded to tile – that’s when the face plants started – I’m really surprised I remember anything after that point. That said, the carpet did serve a purpose, it was soft and kept us from slipping when coming inside from the pool area. Instead of a full room of carpet on my back porch today, I have opted to place a few outdoor rugs to dry wet feet and prevent injuries! They also add a nice touch of design, color and texture. has over 245 indoor/outdoor rugs to choose from, all come in multiple sizes.